Dedication To Preserving Traditional Arts While Meeting The Needs Of Our Modern Global Lifestyle

My official studies in bodywork began in 2011 when I went to northern Thailand and attended ITM to learn Thai massage. This was my first time in my adult life that I got to be completely alone with myself for a length of time and not in the position of caring for others. Being in a safe and kind culture my heart was free to be raw. I experienced pure grief, fear, pain and anxiety. I wept for twelve days nonstop. Once this torrent ebbed it was replaced with a sense of acceptance, joy and gratitude for this gift of time here on Earth. The seeds of medicine were sewn into me so that I could return home and witness people in all shades of pain and help them to be their very best. Since then I have gone back twice to study with a healer in the hills and Chi Nei Tsang abdominal massage.

Here in California I have studied Tui Na massage and Acupressure at Five Branches University. I also studied Swedish and Cranio Sacral massage, Anatomy and Physiology at Harbin Institute of Healing Arts. All of these methods influence my work. Along with a lifetime rooted in discovering presence, healing trauma and truly listening to the body’s wisdom. My roll as a massage therapist is to witness you and your body and to offer what assistance I can in alleviating pain and anxiety. The manipulation of fascia plays an essential role in maintaining optimal balance within our nervous system and microbiome. Within our nervous system and microbiome lies the key to our kingdom and ultimate health. By taking care of your body and nervous system you are contributing to the health of our community.

At the onset of the Pandemic I suddenly had a lot of time on my hands since I could not engage in bodywork for some months. During this time I created the portal/mural outside of my office as an offering to the community. My studies outside of work include Yoga, doula care, sacred geometry(Islamic geometry and Yantra), painting, film photography, mosaic, pole dancing, anatomy, philosophy, psychology, plant medicine, and animals.